Web Development

What is Web Development?

Web development, also known as website development, is the process of creating, building, and maintaining websites and web applications that run online on a browser. It can also include web design, web programming, and database management.

Top 10 Important Question & Answers

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1. What skills should a good Web Developer have?

Web development professionals should have the following key skills: 

2. Are you aware of the roles and responsibilities of a Web Developer?

The primary responsibilities of a web developer include:

  • Testing and debugging web applications
  • Designing, developing, and deploying web applications
  • Uploading websites onto servers and registering them with multiple search engines
  • Coordinating with other programmers and designers to ensure the smooth development of web projects
  • Fixing bugs, troubleshooting, and resolving problems
  • Implementing contingency plans in the case of system failures 
  • Developing proper code structures for solving specific tasks
  • Providing support in the maintenance and upkeep of websites
3. What are the added benefits of HTTP/2 compared to HTTP 1.1?

HTTP/2 has a number of notable advantages over HTTP 1.1, which are: 

  • Advanced server-push technology
  • Reduced network footprint
  • Uses network resources more effectively
  • Eliminates security issues related to HTTP 1.1, such as a response splitting attack
  • Enables superior capabilities, including effective TLS handling, prioritization, multiplexing, compression, and flow control
  • Compact command representation, which facilitates easier implementation and processing 
  • Robust and efficient data processing between server and client 
  • Improved throughput and lower network latency
  • Less error-prone
4. Can you list a few ways to speed up Page Loading?

The following actions should be performed to improve page loading speed:

  • Decrease image size
  • Clear unwanted widgets
  • HTTP compression
  • Placing script reference in the bottom and CSS on the top 
  • Reduce redirects
  • Minimize lookups
  • Caching
5. How is XHTML different from HTML?

XHTML differs from HTML in many ways, for example:

  • All tags in XHTML must be in lowercase
  • XHTML requires the use of double quotes for all attributes
  • In XHTML, tags must be properly closed  
  • XHTML does not permit an inline element to contain a block-level element 
6. Explain Webpack.

When given dependencies-containing modules, Webpack creates static assets to represent those modules.

JavaScript module bundler Webpack is free and open-source. Although it is designed primarily for JavaScript, it may also modify front-end assets like HTML, CSS, and pictures if the appropriate loaders are also present. Using modules with dependencies,

Implementing various Java script files without worrying about which would load first is beneficial. It results in shorter code. In addition to java script, it assists in turning many other files into modules. It assembles many Java script modules.

7. List out newly introduced input types, APIs, form elements, and elements that support media content in HTML5.

Input types, including Date, Date Time-local, time, week, month, email, tel, URL, search, range, color, and number, are among the new ones introduced by HTML5. to enhance user interaction and make forms more engaging. However, a browser will interpret these new input types like a standard text box if it is unable to recognize them.

8. State the difference between span tag and div tag in HTML5.

Div Tag

The web page, a hypertext document created by a website and presented to a user via a web browser, uses HTML elements to format and provide semantics to various sections of the content. The general HTML components div> and span> are both used to identify two different sections of a website. These tags are used for both structuring and styling. Here, we’ve examined the distinctions between the HTML tags for div and span.

Span Tag

To stylize text, use the generic inline element span>. A part of the inline content is given style. The inline element merely takes up as much room as the text and does not require a new line. These tags can be used for brief passages of text, images, links, and other HTML components that may be displayed inline with other content.

9. Explain HTML5 Web storage.

Web Storage in HTML Web storage allows web applications to store data locally in the user’s browser. Application data had to be preserved in cookies and sent with each server request before HTML5. Web storage, which is more secure, allows for the local storing of large amounts of data without impairing a website’s operation.

10. Explain DOM (Document Object Model).

The DOM enables programmatic reading, manipulation, and modification of an XML document. The XMLReader class also reads XML, but it does so in a non-cached, forward-only, read-only manner.

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